• Every Day Better

    Every Day Better is the name of Salling Group's new brand campaign – a simple message that precisely encapsulates everything we are and stand for in Bilka, føtex, Netto, BR, Salling, Flowr, Starbucks, Carl’s Jr., and Skagenfood – indeed, in every part of Salling Group.

    Every single day, we strive to be a little better than we were yesterday. For every customer. Every colleague. Every purchase.

    In short: Every day better.

  • Every customer.
    Every smile.
    Every colleague.

    Salling Group is Denmark's largest retail group with formats such as føtex, Bilka, Netto, Salling department stores, BR, and stores in Denmark, Germany, and Poland. We are 100% Danish-owned by the Salling Foundations, which have distributed more than 2 billion to good causes.

  • madpakke

    Every lunchbox.
    Every carrot.
    Every conscious choice.

    Salling Group makes it easy for everyone with an appetite for a greener everyday life. We have Denmark's largest selection of plant-based products and many Whole Grain and Keyhole-labeled products.

  • Every person.
    Every personality.
    Every future leader.

    In Salling Group, there is room for everyone. No matter who you are. No matter what you dream of. Welcome to Denmark's largest retail chain with over 40,000 employees and 118 nationalities.

  • DBU

    Every pass.
    Every partnership.
    Every team.

    Salling Group is a proud partner with the Danish Football Association (Dansk Boldspil-Union). Together with DBU, we work to provide equal opportunities and healthy communities for everyone.

  • Every charging station.
    Every shopping trip.
    Every action


    In Salling Group, we are ambitious on behalf of the climate. We invest significantly in the transition to renewable energy sources and take responsibility for the entire value chain of the goods we buy and sell. All to make it easier for our customers to shop more responsibly – today and in the future.

  • Every morning.
    Every milestone.
    Every monday.

    Our choices make a difference for customers, colleagues, partners, suppliers, and the society we are part of. Therefore, we have a great responsibility, and we embrace it as we work every day to make everyday life better.

Salling Group A/S

Rosbjergvej 33
8220 Brabrand

CVR: 35 95 47 16


Salling Group HQ
+45 8778 5000
Office hours: 08.00 - 16.00
Follow us on LinkedIn
