A short path to more responsibility

A short path to more responsibility

Are you looking for new opportunities? We are a diverse group of more than 60,000 colleagues who work together across the store chains, webshops, restaurants and head office functions. With us, you will get a sea of opportunities and a short path to more responsibility.



Unsolicited job applications

At Salling Group, we are always on the lookout for skilled and committed employees – and we know that the right attitude is often what gets employees far. This is why we rarely reject candidates because of background or education – we value ambition and the desire to learn and deliver results at least as much.

If you have the right skills and can see yourself working at Salling Group, you are always welcome to send us an unsolicited application.

Improving Everyday Life

    DHL Salling Group

Room for everyone

At Salling Group, we believe that everyone has something to contribute to the labour market, regardless of background, age, gender, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, physical condition or social circumstances.

At the same time, we believe that we are obligated as a large company to take responsibility in the labour market. Being an employer with room for everyone also gives us the best opportunities to recruit skilled employees.

With jobs on all levels and across many disciplines, we aim to ensure that everyone who wants an opportunity to contribute to the job market and develop their skills can get one.

Highlighted positions

Our purpose - Improving Everyday Life

Find answers to your questions

Salling Group A/S

Rosbjergvej 33
8220 Brabrand

CVR: 35 95 47 16


Salling Group HQ
+45 8778 5000
Office hours: 08.00 - 16.00
Follow us on LinkedIn
