Biodiversity park
May 25, 2023, was a significant day for the employees at Salling Group's headquarters south of Aarhus.
On this day, we opened our biodiversity park, bringing joy to both insects and employees alike. What was once a mundane lawn has now been transformed into a landscape of boulders, log cabins for insects, trees and a wildflower meadow. A total of 11,000 square meters have been converted into green havens filled with grasses, bogbean, chokeberries, spindle bushes and thorns, all of which contribute to enhancing local biodiversity.
In our biodiversity park, flowers and herbs are allowed to flourish, thereby increasing the food supply for insects and wildlife. For instance, the finicky clouded yellow butterfly, which can only thrive where thorn bushes or brambles grow, greatly benefits from the park.
While the park is certainly a modest contribution to the broader challenge of declining biodiversity, its purpose is to inspire employees, customers and other businesses to take up the cause for biodiversity. The hope is that we can inspire each other to make a difference wherever we can.
The park has undeniably made both plant and animal life flourish in what were once barren lawns surrounding Salling Group's headquarters.