Every goal. Every partnership. Every community.

The Danish Football Association

I samarbejde med DBU kæmper vi for at give lige muligheder og sunde fællesskaber til alle. På fodboldbanen, på lageret, i omklædningsrummet og på kontoret. I 2024 indgik Salling Group og DBU en historisk aftale om at sætte ligeværd, bedre trivsel og uddannelse på banen. Partnerskabet omfatter som det første af sin slags alle landshold fra U16 og op til kvinde- og herrelandsholdet, græsrødder og fodboldskoler for børn. 

Together with DBU, we strive to provide equal opportunities and healthy communities for everyone. On the pitch, in the warehouse, in the locker room, and in the office. In 2024, Salling Group and DBU entered a historic agreement to promote equality, better well-being, and education. The partnership, which is the first of its kind, includes all national teams from U16 to the women's and men's national teams, grassroots initiatives, and football schools for children.

A historically big partnership

DBU and Salling Group aim to create changes and improvements in three specific areas:

1. Equality and equal opportunities. Through various projects, we will increase diversity in Danish football and within Salling Group's organization.

2. Physical and mental health and well-being. We want to make Danes healthier and mentally stronger – in Danish football, in stores, and in Danish homes.

3. Recruitment and education. Both DBU and Salling Group wish to strengthen the recruitment of everything from coaches and referees to store colleagues and future leaders. We will share experiences and develop collaborations to engage even more people in exciting challenges.

As the first partnership of its kind, it includes all national teams from U16 to the women's and men's national teams, while Salling Group will also be part of the Football School, Pigeraketten, and several other projects. The agreement runs from 2024 to 2029.

Together we make every day better

You already know us.
From the football club with friends.
And where the family shops after the match.
We are the packed stadium where you cheer for the team.
And the store where you pick up spaghetti for the squad.
We are volunteers, fans, and players.
We are colleagues who keep the ball rolling.
We are the ones to give you your energy in overtime. And especially during down time.

Individually, we are what makes everyday Denmark. And together, we are much more.
Together, we are healthy habits and a place for everyone on the team.
Together, we are red and white; brown, pink - and every day a bit greener.
Together, we shape those who will lead in the future - with equal opportunities for all.
We connect the entire country. Inspire and excite.
And unite Denmark with a historically large and strong collaboration.
Both before, during, and after the final whistle.

Together, we make every day better.

Salling Group A/S

Rosbjergvej 33
8220 Brabrand

CVR: 35 95 47 16


Salling Group HQ
+45 8778 5000
Office hours: 08.00 - 16.00
Follow us on LinkedIn
