Every toss. every jump. Every joint victory.

We are proud partners of the Danish Olympic athletes!

Every time you shop at Bilka, Føtex, Netto, BR, or Salling Department Stores, you are also making a difference for Denmark.

A part of our profits goes back to the Danes through donations from the Salling Foundations.

Since 2009, the Salling Foundations have donated 250 million DKK to Team Denmark, helping to ensure the best possible conditions for the Danish athletes' preparation, qualification, and participation in the Olympic Games.

In the summer of 2024, the Salling Foundations and Salling Group were proud partners of all the Danish athletes competing in Paris.

No one wins alone – this is true every day on the pitch, in the water, and in our stores.

Team Denmark's partner campaign and Salling Group: stand wide, reach high

As a customer – and as a Dane – you might have met Salling Group in Team Denmark's joint partnership campaign leading up to the 2024 Olympics. The campaign is our shared story about why we and the other Danish Olympic partners support the Danish athletes. The partnership campaign encompasses the beautiful story of Danish tradition of volunteer associations, community, and values:

The journey to Paris is longer than you might think

For the Danish athletes, it's a journey that began when they were young.

With great idols and strong values – and in an association environment where everyone has a place.

Now they have become idols themselves and inspire the next generation.

With outstanding performances, diligence, and the very same values they have carried with them from the start.

And whether they have become parents, are one of the new hopes, or are still playful, they consist of something truly special: What makes the Danish athletes unique is not the goals that drive them, but the people who stand behind them: As swimmers, wrestlers, cyclists, wheelchair rugby players, badminton players, athletes, and human beings.

It is the community and the support system that make victory possible. One must stand wide to reach high.

No one wins alone.

The Salling Foundation's donation to Team Denmark

Through many years of support to Team Denmark, the Salling Foundations have ensured a significant and long-lasting boost to Danish elite sports.

In total, since 2009, the foundations have donated 250 million DKK to Team Denmark, the Danish athletes, and the preparations for the Olympic Games.

Salling Group A/S

Rosbjergvej 33
8220 Brabrand

CVR: 35 95 47 16


Salling Group HQ
+45 8778 5000
Office hours: 08.00 - 16.00
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