Every colleague. Every assistive tool. Every broken taboo.


At Salling Group, we are certified as a reading and writing-friendly workplace. However, we continue to work every day to make it easier for employees with dyslexia.

Studies show that people with dyslexia are generally better at communicating, solving complex problems, thinking innovatively, creatively, visually, and building relationships. These are skills that are highly sought after at Salling Group in particular and in the job market in general.

Therefore, in 2022, we launched the initiative 'Openness about Words', where we focus on the strengths of dyslexia and actively work to make it easier for employees with dyslexia. At the same time, we launched an internal campaign with an online knowledge portal and, not least, visible role models across the organization to help create openness and fact-based knowledge about dyslexia.

The initiative resulted in Salling Group receiving the Dyslexia Award 2022 from the Dyslexia Association in Denmark.

How Salling Group works with dyslexia:

  • We offer 10 hours of free training to employees with dyslexia, focusing on making the workday easier.
  • We offer job-seeking candidates a nonverbal test as an alternative to personality and skills tests in the recruitment process.
  • All managers in the group complete a webinar course on dyslexia; the role of managers in creating openness, breaking down prejudices, and recognizing that people with dyslexia are generally stronger than average in areas such as visual and creative communication, relationships, and complex problem-solving. They are also introduced to the IntoWords program to better support employees.
  • We have launched new PDAs (handheld scanners used by store staff, for example, when placing items) that can read words aloud and display images, making it easier for employees with dyslexia to navigate and perform their tasks effectively.

Salling Group A/S

Rosbjergvej 33
8220 Brabrand

CVR: 35 95 47 16


Salling Group HQ
+45 8778 5000
Office hours: 08.00 - 16.00
Follow us on LinkedIn
