Every smile. Every thank you. Every friendly effort.

Keep a good tone

Since 2022, we have collaborated with HK Trade Union on a campaign with a clear message to customers: Remember to stay friendly and polite when shopping. With posters in stores and videos on social media, Salling Group and HK Trade Union respectively encourage and thank customers for behaving courteously towards employees who strive every day to provide excellent service.

The initiative was launched in response to a trend that intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic and further grew during the inflation in 2022 and the accompanying price increases: namely, an increasingly harsh tone and rude behavior towards employees.

Since 2022, we have expanded the campaign and been joined by other major players in the retail sector; Coop, Lidl, Dagrofa, Circle K, Maxi Zoo, and Drivkraft.

Salling Group A/S

Rosbjergvej 33
8220 Brabrand

CVR: 35 95 47 16


Salling Group HQ
+45 8778 5000
Office hours: 08.00 - 16.00
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