Thea og andre kollegaer

Every ability. Every new job. Every perspective.

In Salling Group we need employees of all kind. We have specially designed jobs across all levels and functions. Additionally, we work closely with municipalities, the government, and civil society to tailor employment under special conditions.

A diverse workplace


In 2022, Salling Group launched the initiative 'Openness about words', where we focus on the strengths of dyslexia and work actively to make it easier to be dyslexic in the company.

Specifically, we have made the reading and writing tool IntoWords from Vitec MV available to all employees who need it. We offer job-seeking candidates a non-verbal test as an alternative to personality and skills tests in the recruitment process. And, not least, managers in the group conduct a webinar course on dyslexia, which includes the role of managers in creating openness, breaking down prejudices and being aware, because dyslexics are generally stronger than average at, for example, visual and creative communication, relationships and complex problem solving. They are also introduced to the IntoWords tool so they can support employees.

Alongside this, we have launched an internal campaign with, among other things, an online knowledge portal and, not least, visible role models who help to create openness and fact-based knowledge about dyslexia across the organisation. Last, but not least, teachers of Salling Group's student courses have upgraded their skills in relation to being able to support dyslexic students in the best possible way. In the very same year the initiative was launched, the effort resulted in Salling Group receiving the Dyslexic Prize for 2022 from the Danish Dyslexia Association.

Salling Group A/S

Rosbjergvej 33
8220 Brabrand

CVR: 35 95 47 16


Salling Group HQ
+45 8778 5000
Office hours: 08.00 - 16.00
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