Every label. Every choice. Every alternative.

We take responsibility for animal welfare

Animal welfare has long been a priority for Salling Group, and we have launched and participated in a range of initiatives over many years to provide our customers with better options for choosing animal welfare. In addition, we are constantly increasing the number of products in our stores that are labelled with the highest level of animal welfare.

By ensuring a wide range of products and openly communicating about the level of animal welfare, we make it easy for our customers to make an informed choice when shopping with us.

Policies on animal welfare

Our animal welfare policies set a clear direction for our way of conducting responsible business and the requirements we impose on our employees and partners. Read more in the individual policies below.

Animal Welfare Policy
All animals involved in the production of our products must be treated in accordance with legislation and recognized standards for animal welfare.

Egg Policy
We place a high value on animal welfare and recognize the necessity of sourcing eggs from systems where hens can exhibit their natural behavior.

Animal Welfare Policy for Textiles and Non-Food
All animal-derived materials in our products must come from animals that are treated in accordance with legislation and recognized standards for animal welfare.

Fish and Seafood Policy
Our goal is for our fish assortment to be traceable, responsibly produced, and certified.

Salling Group A/S

Rosbjergvej 33
8220 Brabrand

CVR: 35 95 47 16


Salling Group HQ
+45 8778 5000
Office hours: 08.00 - 16.00
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