Climate reporting

In Salling Group, we request our largest suppliers for our Danish, German, and Polish chains to report their climate targets and footprints via CDP, which is an internationally recognized not-for-profit organization specializing in climate reporting. We do this because it supports Salling Group's climate ambition to reduce our climate footprint and achieve our net-zero goal by 2050. Additionally, reporting via the CDP platform helps us consolidate large amounts of supplier data.

Salling Group has been working with CDP since the end of 2021, and we have committed to the Science Based Targets initiative. We have set targets covering all our activities both upstream and downstream across scopes 1, 2, and 3 to reduce our climate impact, promote climate management in our supply chain, and mitigate risks.

How CDP reporting works

CDP reporting takes place annually and follows a predetermined cycle with an open response period followed by an evaluation period. The overall structure of the annual CDP cycle is as follows:

  1. Initiation: If you, as a supplier to Salling Group, have been invited to report climate data via CDP, you will receive a notification and subsequently an invitation.

  2. Reporting Period: During this period, invited suppliers collect and submit their climate data to CDP via their online reporting platform.

  3. Evaluation: CDP assesses, consolidates, and visualizes the reported data and evaluates the quality of the submissions.

  4. Feedback: CDP provides feedback and scores suppliers based on their reported data, provided they choose to make their reporting publicly available. All data related to value chain activities will only be visible to companies that have requested the data.

Salling Groups focus areas in climate reporting

The CDP questionnaire is comprehensive and complex. To facilitate the response process, we have identified specific questions related to climate targets, climate data, and governance structure that are of particular interest to us. While we encourage suppliers to complete the entire questionnaire, we emphasize the importance of focusing on these specific areas, especially steps 1 and 2 as described below, if your resources are limited, as these are the most critical for us.

This targeted approach ensures alignment with our climate ambitions and priorities while acknowledging that suppliers have varying resources.

Step 1 - Climate Targets

The first step for suppliers is to set climate targets aimed at reducing emissions and/or increasing the use of renewable energy. Therefore, we ask our suppliers to report on their climate strategy, science-based targets for reducing CO2e emissions, and the specific actions being taken to achieve these goals.

These areas align with Salling Group's ambition that 75% of suppliers, based on emissions, commit to setting science-based targets by the end of 2027.

Step 2 - Climate Data

Calculating and reporting emissions is a crucial step towards taking action to mitigate climate change. By understanding our suppliers' CO2e emissions, we can actively implement strategies aimed at reducing the CO2e footprint.

Supplier data is also essential for Salling Group's calculation of Scope 3 emissions, as Scope 3 emissions account for 95% of our total CO2e footprint.

Therefore, we need you as suppliers to calculate and report on your carbon emissions and allocate the emissions associated with your transactions with Salling Group.

Step 3 - Governance

In the third step, we emphasize governance, engagement, and collaboration with suppliers. Although this is not directly crucial for meeting our commitments and ambitions or improving Scope 3 calculations, this aspect is also important for Salling Group. It provides an overview of whether our suppliers have a governance structure that supports sustainable development and whether they actively engage and collaborate with members of the value chain to maximize long-term impact.

Furthermore, it allows our suppliers to propose collaboration opportunities for climate improvements and elaborate on good ideas that can be realized through various partnerships.

(It is optional for you as suppliers to answer the questions in Step 3)

Frequently asked questions

Help for small and medium sized suppliers

If you are an SME supplier, it may be useful to take a closer look at the following.

Danish suppliers

At the Danish Energistyrelsen (, you can apply for advice and financial support for climate-related matters. You can also contact your regional Business House.

If you have not calculated your CO2e footprint before, or do not know how to, the Klimakompasset can be of great assistance.

Valified is a Danish company that helps SMEs create structure and overview of ESG activities through their ESG platform and sustainability universe.

German suppliers

DFGE (Institute for Energy, Ecology, and Economy) is a German-based organization with experience in helping companies calculate their CO2e emissions while also being familiar with CDP.

CDP also offers local CDP Disclosure Workshops, which you can find further information about on the CDP website.

Polish suppliers

Environmental Resources Management (ERM) helps companies set climate goals, measure progress, and operationalize their climate strategies. They have over 50 years of experience in integrating sustainability into businesses.

CDP also offers local CDP Disclosure Workshops, which you can find further information about on the CDP website.

Salling Group A/S

Rosbjergvej 33
8220 Brabrand

CVR: 35 95 47 16


Salling Group HQ
+45 8778 5000
Office hours: 08.00 - 16.00
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